Saturday, December 26, 2009

If i bleach all my hair and then buy 'revlon' ash brown will it turn ashbrown or will it turn orange?

Cause thats what happened to my sis and i need help on how i could stop it from turning orange and make it actualy turn medium ash brown.If i bleach all my hair and then buy 'revlon' ash brown will it turn ashbrown or will it turn orange?
It depends on your natural tones. I wouldn't recommend it. Depending on your hair ash brown could cause it to turn gray-ish. (It happened to me).

To completely change your hair color like that...I would go to a stylist. It may be a little more expensive but you don't want to mess up your hair, and then RE-color it after that. It'll just torture your hair in the end.If i bleach all my hair and then buy 'revlon' ash brown will it turn ashbrown or will it turn orange?
if it happened to your sis it will probably happen 2 u. when u go in to the salon talk 2 your stylist
it happend most likely due to the fact that ash brown has red undertones. dont bleach your whole head though. what color is your hair now? you may be able to just lighten it up a little and try a different kind of color that is similar to the ash brown effect youre looking for. maybe you can work with your current color by adding some low lights or high lights and doing something unique but maintaing the ash brown idea??? ive used ash brown colloring before and after about a month or two my hair was a little bit red. so now i have some almost black low lights and medium brown everywhere else. i love it.
Do NOT bleach all your hair without the help of a stylist. Your hair will look like crap. Also, don't use a box color on bleached hair! No wonder your sister's hair turned out so crappy!!!

If you do have dark dark hair, you're going to need to go to a salon to get it to be lighter and the color you want. Whatever you do, do not do this by yourself. I swear it will not work.
Ash colors have a cool undertone (blue or green as a base) and on freshly bleached hair tend to pull up that color, leaving a greyish or greenish hue to the color....after hair is lightened it often has brassy tones to it (orangy or goldish or reddish) which makes it more difficult for someone who isnt a liscenced haidresser to determine what color to use to acheive the desired result...I reccomend going to a stylist for a drastic change...but if you INSIST upon doing it at home, use a light neutral brown....because bleached hair will often end up one shade darker...and a neutral base is you're best bet in avoiding a huge mishap...this should get you as close to what you want as can be done at home without a professional stylist...just so you know, you really should get this done professionally, its an accident waiting to happen, but if you wont do that, follow my advice

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